Reports customization

You can use our additional solution Dashboard Designer to customize charts. You can find more information in the documentation.

To install Dashboard Designer for classic pages you should install it from SharePoint store. Please make sure that you have Scripting Capabilities turned on.

Click ‘Add an app’ link in the upper-right ribbon menu. Then go to SharePoint store in the menu to the left.

Search ‘Dashboard Designer’ there and install it on your site:

Install DD from SP store

Then you should configure credentials for it.

Go to your site ‘Site contents’ and click on Dashboard Designer application.

Then enter your credentials in these fields:

Please keep in mind that you will need Site Owner rights.

Configure DD

In order to customize charts with Dashboard Designer navigate to the page containing charts and enter edit mode.

Start edit mode

Clicking the link “Configure” will load Dashboard designer where you can customize your chart.

Edit chart